Eligibility Criteria Guidelines

The Foundation will make grants only to organizations that are exempt from federal tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and are not classified as private foundations under section 509(a) of the Code.

Areas of Interest
The Perry and Ruby Stevens Foundation was established by Ruby Stevens in January 2006 in accordance with her husband, Perry Stevens’ wishes. The purpose of establishing the Foundation was to provide assistance to qualified non-profit organizations that direct their activities toward one or more of the following charitable purposes

Charitable Purposes
- The furnishing of assistance to, and care and treatment of, mentally or physically disabled persons.
- The furnishing of assistance to, and care and treatment of, abused or neglected women.
- The promotion, development, and support of volunteer firefighting programs and organizations, and related matters.
- The furnishing of assistance to needy persons who are victims of some public natural disaster or similar event.
- The protection and prevention of cruelty to animals and to provide for the welfare of animals in general.
- The prevention, research, and treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
- The furnishing of resources to elderly persons who are unable to provide financial support for themselves.
- The furnishing of assistance to individual persons afflicted with disease or illness, regardless of their age or gender.
- The Foundation will consider grant requests that address the needs of children and young adults who are financially disadvantaged or who have suffered physical or mental abuse or neglect.
Grants made by the Foundation shall be to accomplish specific goals and objectives within the purposes specified above. Proposals will only be considered if the qualified non-profit has at least three years of operating history.
The Foundation seeks to give fair consideration to all legitimate requests for funding that fall within its guidelines.

Geographical Guidelines
Grants are made to qualified non-profit organizations to accomplish the charitable purposes of the Foundation with particular responsiveness to grant requests and inquiries originating in the Texas Hill Country.

Program Limitations
The Foundation will not consider full proposals from any organization more frequently than once every twelve months. All grant applications must be preceded by a Letter of Inquiry.
Grants made by the Foundation shall be to accomplish specific goals and objectives within the purposes specified above and shall not be utilized to fund the general operating expenses of a grantee.
Mark Milton, Executive Director
(830) 896-0630
[email protected]
200 Earl Garrett St., Suite 200, Kerrville, TX 78029
P.O. Box 291929, Kerrville, Texas 78029